CME Scoreboard |
Prediction for CME (2021-11-02T02:48:00-CME-001)CME Observed Time: 2021-11-02T02:48ZiSWAS Layout URL: CME Note: This CME is associated with a long-duration M1.6 flare from AR 12891 and a corresponding eruption signature can be seen in the available SDO AIA imagery toward the center of the Earth-facing disk as early as 2021-11-01T23:37Z. The shock was most probably caused by the combined arrival of this CME and the 2021-11-01T18:38Z CME and exhibited a dramatic increase in B_tot first to 14 nT at 2021-11-03T19:55Z and then to the maximum of 24 nT at 21:07Z, with corresponding increases in density, temperature, and solar wind speed (to speeds around 700 km/s, with a maximum of 809 km/s). There is a clear flux rope, accompanied by a drop in temperature the next morning. There was an associated magnetopause crossing and a strong geomagnetic storm, with 5 synoptic periods of Kp above 6 (three of them with Kp=7). CME Shock Arrival Time: 2021-11-03T19:23Z Observed Geomagnetic Storm Parameters due to CME: Max Kp: 7.0 Predicted Arrival Time: 2021-11-03T21:39Z (-7.0h, +7.0h) Predicted geomagnetic storm max Kp range due to CME: 5.0 - 7.0 Prediction Method: WSA-ENLIL + Cone (NASA M2M) Prediction Method Note: Model Inputs: 2021-11-01T18:38:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=32.0, Lat.=-30.0, Speed=509.0, HalfAngle=32.0, Time21.5=2021-11-02T01:20Z 2021-11-01T21:36:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=43.0, Lat.=-19.0, Speed=771.0, HalfAngle=49.0, Time21.5=2021-11-02T02:00Z 2021-11-02T02:48:00-CME-001 with CME Analysis: Lon.=-5.0, Lat.=16.0, Speed=1151.0, HalfAngle=51.0, Time21.5=2021-11-02T05:52Z Model Output: Earth Impact: Earth Shock Arrival Time = 2021-11-03T21:39Z (+- 7 hours) Duration of disturbance (hr) =29.7 (+- 8 hours) Minimum magnetopause standoff distance: Rmin(Re) = 5.2 (kp)90=5 (kp)180=7 Other Location(s) Impact: Parker Solar Probe with esitmated shock arrival time 2021-11-03T06:39Z Solar Orbiter with esitmated shock arrival time 2021-11-03T16:14Z STEREO A with esitmated shock arrival time 2021-11-04T02:08Z STEREO B with esitmated shock arrival time 2021-11-04T00:56Z Inner Planets Link = Inner Planets Link = Inner Planets Link = Inner Planets Link = Inner Planets Link = Inner Planets Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Timelines Link = Time: 25.65 hour(s) Difference: -2.27 hour(s) Prediction submitted by Robert Loper (M2M Office) on 2021-11-02T17:44Z |
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